Fuel and Lube Oil Cleaning
Alfa Laval Meet the Experts: Jille Kloosterman
Your engine needs protection and with the 2020 Global Sulphur Cap regualtions coming into play, filtration is the last line of defence against harmful particles. The Alfa Laval Moatti filter is easy to operate and it's very easy to maintain. Continuous backflushing is driven by the pressure of the oil itself. This means no electricity or air supply is needed. Because backflushing is performed in the automatic filter stage, with a cleanable surface-filter cartridge used to provide redundancy, reliance on disposable filters is eliminated.
Find out more about Alfa Laval Moatti Filter and our Alfa Laval Adaptive Fuel Line by visiting: https://www.alfalaval.com/fuelline
Find out more about Alfa Laval Moatti Filter and our Alfa Laval Adaptive Fuel Line by visiting: https://www.alfalaval.com/fuelline