Tagged with Marine
Marine boilers
Boiler solutions for LNG as fuel
Alfa Laval Aalborg boiler technology is enabling more vessels to deal with boil-off gas (BOG) and...
LNG as fuel
A growing number of shipowners are powering their vessels with LNG. Whether you’ve already made...
Fuel and Lube Oil Cleaning
Looking ahead to ammonia
Alfa Laval is hard at work on the task of decarbonizing the marine industry and meeting...
Alfa Laval PureBallast Deckhouse
Most product tankers today use submersible cargo pumps. That creates more space for money-making...
Total solutions in ballast water treatment
Ballast water treatment protects the environment, but choosing a system is all about you. You...
Marine boilers
Optimize your boiler operation based on live...
Delivery, remote service and connected boilers securing fast and easy optimization of boiler...
Time is short to IMO revised G8 implementation
In today’s exceptional situation, it’s easy to overlook what hasn’t changed. IMO revised G8...
Marine Essentials Catalog
Demonstration of our new Marine Essentials catalog 2020
Alfa Laval PureBallast Webinar
Take the chance to revisit our global webinar from June 2018, which offers valuable guidance for...
Installation of an Alfa Laval PureSOx system on...
An Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubber is being prepared for retrofit on the tanker Valentine....
Marine boilers
Alfa Laval Aalborg Micro – A highly efficient...
The Aalborg Micro is a compact exhaust gas heat exchanger/steam generator, designed for waste...